Thursday, October 06, 2005

Rove Blinks!

Rove to testify again before grand jury in case of CIA leaked identity. Here's an interesting paragraph:

"The U.S. attorney's manual requires prosecutors not to bring witnesses before a grand jury if there is a possibility of future criminal charges unless they are notified in advance that their grand jury testimony can be used against them in a later indictment."

I'd say Rove is most certainly a target in this grand jury investigation.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Karl Rove Smokescreen?

Like clock work...ABC News/Matt Drudge covers for Neocon/Israeli spies and the Plame probe...points finger (with flashing red light and sirens) at Philippine spy in White House!!!! Run for the hills....the Philippinos are coming!

Don't get me wrong, any spying by or on behalf of a foriegn country in the White House is bad, but the timing of this suggests a total orchestrated smokescreen. Maybe by Karl Rove? Just a guess.

Stay tuned!

Update: D.C. rumor mill!!!! If this turns out to be true.....major ass covering, indeed!!!

Get the popcorn!

Lawrence Franklin Pleads Guilty

Today Lawrence Franklin, former Defense Department analyst, pleads guilty to charges that he illegally transferred United States secrets to unauthorized individuals with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Al Gore Unleashed

A must read speech on media and Democracy.