Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Listening to NPR yesterday...

....after the war is "worth it" speech given by President Bush at Fort Bragg, the NPR political analysts not once brought up the words "Downing Street Memo". This despite the fact that polls show a majority of Americans believing the President mislead us into the war.

NPR is worthless.

While Veteran Benefits Are Being Cut....

....US considers a $1 Billion aid package to Israel.

Update: $2.5 Billion shortfall in veterans medical care benefits.

A Crime the US Media Refuses to Report


Helicopter With 17 US Servicemen Downed in Afghanistan

At this time the fate of those onboard are unknown. This and more recent attacks in Afghanistan clearly indicate a ramping up of insurgent attacks against US and coalition forces. This begs the question. With success in Iraq more and more out of reach, coupled with diminishing public support for the Iraqi war, are the American people prepared for increased insurgent activity in Afghanistan? I think not.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Here's why Bush's nationally televised...

....address this evening should ring hollow with the American and here.

Bush: The lives of YOUR sons and daughters are "worth it"

Where's the outrage?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Is Jack Abramoff Funding Terrorist Organizations?


Jack Abramoff, a former lobbyist who is the subject of a federal
investigation, diverted funds from Indian tribes into projects ranging from
an Orthodox Jewish academy to an Israeli sniper school, new
documents show.

Could this be the work of Abramoff graduates here?

A Karl Rove Smack Down!

A must read post by Jersey Girl Kristen Breitweiser via The Huffington Post.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

What's Behind the Campus Witch Hunts?

Campus witch hunts, to put it simply, is an organized effort by Zionist individuals (David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes, etc) and likeminded organizations (AIPAC, David Project, FrontPage Mag, etc.) to attack and slander those professors or students whose views are not in agreement with Israel's ultra right wing interests. The objective of these individuals and organizations is to squash free and open debate about issues that in genral concerns the middle east and more specifically against any debate critical of Bush's Israeli friendly neoconservative foreign policy in the region. Unfortunately the media, our government leaders, and the public have been successfully silenced when it comes to open debate regarding the issue of Israel. However to the obvious dismay of hard right Israeli supporters, our campuses are one of the last institutions in this country where this important issue can be discussed openly.

Debate on this issue is important on so many levels, but most importantly debate is needed to understand this countries most pressing issue, which is the 'war on terror'. To understand this.....we need a balanced and non-biased assessment of US foreign policy as it relates to Arab and Israeli interests....we need an honest understanding of the 50-year history of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.....we also need to understand how the modern day middle east was created after World War I....we need to understand the Zionist movement and it's relationship to the Nazi Holocaust .......and finally, we need to understand the Christian and Jewish Zionist movement. And then we have to ask it worth jeopardizing the security and safety of 250 millions American citizens for the sake of a few ultra-right wing pro-Zionist radicals and neoconservative?

We need debate now!

Read this article from The Forward to get some sense as to what is going on at our campuses.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Saddam: "Reagan and me, good."

This Reuters article should drive the wingnuts bonkers.

I love it!

Boycott the Washington Post Advertisers

via Daily Kos.

Are We Already at War with Iran?

Scott Ritter says we are.....

Justin Knows What's Going On we should all listen.

Friday, June 17, 2005

FrontPage "Slander" Magazine

Is FrontPage Magazine a PsyOp enterprise by some foreign government? Does anyone know who funds this website? Or why they seem to attack anyone with an opinion that counters rightwing Israeli interests?

I'm just asking the question.

$30 million Gitmo Jail Contract for Halliburton

Proof once again that one should not listen to what the Administration says, but rather what they do.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Israel Transfers US Weapons Technology to China

Despite the Bush Administration's recent concern citing China as a potential military opponent........the Bush Administration quietly slaps Israel on the hands for transferring US weapons technology to China. After the USS Liberty......Israeli Art Student Spy Ring......Jonathan Pollard......the dawning AIPAC/Franklin affair......when will we ever learn?

A Must Read.

Chris Hedges!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Zionism is Everywhere!

Bush to sign bill that will authorize the creation of an office in the State Department whose sole purpose is to track anti-Semitism worldwide.

Truly unbelievable!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Bush Co.

If only there were put options.

See ya!

Is DOD Down on the Count?

This deserves a closer look. Department of Defense appears to be deliberately under counting our war dead in Iraq. Brian Harring reports that the DOD stops counting after casualties have been removed from the field of combat....and what happens after that is anyones guess. For instance, a wounded soldier who is officially evacuated from Iraq, but later dies from his wounds, is still reported as a wounded soldier. Harring has found that shipping manifest to Dover AFB shows a larger number of war dead being delivered than is reported by the DOD.....he estimates that the total of war dead is more likely to be around 9,000, not the official total of 1,747.

If this turns out to be true...then no wonder the Bush Adminstration doesn't want reporters observing the return of our war dead.

See ya!

A March for Terra

Approximately 100,000 protesters march in New York City in support of a policy that promotes terrorism, yet our media does not report it.

See ya!

True Confessions

Newsweek's Baghdad bureau chief....once a true believer of the Iraq joins the reality-based community.

Mr. Nordland confesses his misjudgements and discusses the tragic reality on the ground in Iraq. It's worth a read.

See ya!